I love this. I’m gonna save it for the next time these turd sniffers start with that “back in the day a man could pay all the bills, and buy a house and……” YEAH, BECAUSE WE DIDN’T HAVE $1,000 PHONES, $20 COFFEE, 4,000 SQ HOUSES AND WE TOOK THE FREAKING BUS ON OUR HONEYMOONS!”
It’s always Wednesday somewhere.
I’m getting Linda Ronstadt
Your Mom is Sally Field?
S’up Gidget?
Is your mom Linda Ronstadt?
She looks a lot like Sally Field, she’s pretty though ❤️
Sally Field does not look like she’s enjoying the honeymoon
I’m getting Jenna Ortega
That’s Clara Oswald, photo was taken in 1967, 2 weeks ago, shortly before she walked into a phone booth and disappeared.
Right before she went on a three hour boat tour and was gone for quite a while.
Somebody does not look happy.
Could be a scene out of the song America by Simon and Garfunkel. Ask her if she heard it.
you could marry worse
Got some Graduate vibes going on
Your mom is Mary Ann from Gilligan’s Island?!
Your mom was an absolute ringer for Linda Ronstadt
I love this. I’m gonna save it for the next time these turd sniffers start with that “back in the day a man could pay all the bills, and buy a house and……” YEAH, BECAUSE WE DIDN’T HAVE $1,000 PHONES, $20 COFFEE, 4,000 SQ HOUSES AND WE TOOK THE FREAKING BUS ON OUR HONEYMOONS!”
This is a BUS Dingo. Don’t keep telling me it’s your Lear Jet.
You just know your pops had the freakiest week of his life with the photo 😂
How old is she? Pig tails suggests she’s 14.
“Give me a smile pussycat”