Chonk chonk said the hummingbird. If you watch

Chonk chonk said the hummingbird. If you watch until she flies away, it’s a real treat.

Chonk chonk said the hummingbird. If you watch until she flies away, it’s a real treat.
byu/OnlyAstronomyFans inaww


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27 thoughts on “Chonk chonk said the hummingbird. If you watch”

  1. Usually the “watch until the end” bait is disappointing and fails to deliver, but this was the exception. I had never seen a bird fly-waddle away like a fat man after last call at the pub, I just burst out laughing. Thank you!

  2. That fly away looked so guilty lol, its like they just broke their diet and went “uh oh… lets just pretend i wasnt here…”

  3. Is this one of the feeders with a camera? I want one so much!

    I don’t think she’s got eggs but just maintaining that energy to keep moving south for winter.

  4. i have never seen a fat (pregnant probably?) hummingbird, even though we had tons in our yard when i was young. the fly away was top 10 cutest things i’ve seen this week for sure!

  5. And look at you being its enabler just enticing it with more sugary goodness /s 🤣

    It the type of hummingbird my cat would catch and bring into my house alive and scared that I would have to catch again to return it outside.


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