Baby cages were installed to help infants get
Baby cages were installed to help infants get sunlight in dingy flats, 1922
Male high school students exercise in a stringent
Male high school students exercise in a stringent physical education class, California, 1958
Sigourney Weaver, as photographed by Helmut
Sigourney Weaver, as photographed by Helmut Newton, Los Angeles – 1983
My Great-Grandmother, born in 1899, never met her,
My Great-Grandmother, born in 1899, never met her, but definitely a legend.
My dad took this double-exposure pic of my mother
For some reason I find it both amusing and cool. Most people would probably think you’d need photoshop or some sort of digital technology to pull this off, but a precise double exposure on a cheap camera also does the trick.