The floods that central Europe is suffering leave

The floods that central Europe is suffering leave us with situations like these in Chisinău, Moldova

🔥The floods that central Europe is suffering leave us with situations like these in Chisinău, Moldova
byu/NolifeX inNatureIsFuckingLit


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30 thoughts on “The floods that central Europe is suffering leave”

  1. I’m reminded of the time a person who drove through a flooded underpass in front of my apartment and made it mostly to the other side, but not before their car stalled in the water and she sat there in the driver’s seat doing nothing.

    I avoided the flooded underpass by driving on the wrong side of the street.

    Standing outside the apartment complex entrance gate was about 8 people, standing there, watching her sit there. 3 women, 5 men.

    One of them asked me if I was going to run out there by myself to help her while they’ve been standing there watching for an unspecified amount of time.

  2. 1) She has ZERO self-preservation

    2) There is a giant, hungry hole waiting for her somewhere on that street, and it freaks me out!

    3) “FUCK YEAH! Free buckets!”

  3. Going to assume that was not as fun as it looked 🙄 by damn, water is amazing. So glad others were able to help and stop her.

    But lord save me that looked fun.

  4. A similar thing happened in Glasgow. Next day, a man arrived on the rescuers doorstep and said “excuse me, are you the man who rescued my wife from the flood?”

    “Yes I am” said the rescuer

    “Where’s her fookin’ umbrella?”


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