The pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus)

The pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus)

🔥The pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus)
byu/Pasargad inNatureIsFuckingLit


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37 thoughts on “The pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus)”

  1. I live where they’re native, so for those not in North America, let me tell you.

    They are beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. They’re loud, too, and most of them are pretty skittish, so it’s a rare sight unless you’re in the woods.

  2. First time I came across one I was working landscaping, whipper snipping at McDonald’s Gardens, downtown Ottawa and I had no idea woodpeckers grew this big. Long story short I worked around him and he never once budged just kept pecking.

  3. This is the coolest bird I think I’ve ever seen in the wild. They are huge with a beautiful red head. I’ve seen the egrets, eagles and pelicans. But pileated woodpeckers are really such an impressive bird.

  4. Other woodpeckers go rata-tat-tat-tat like a little jack-hammer. Pileated woodpeckers stop and examine the target before each strike, like sculptors.

  5. These guys are awesome except when it’s 6am on a weekend and one of these dumbfucks mistakes your aluminum gutter for a piece of rotten wood.

  6. I’ve seen a starling and a woodpecker have a stand off UNTIL the woodpecker started flicking his tongue at the starling lol poor thing looked so baffled. I really looked like the woodpecker was blowing raspberries at the starling. Ah nature.

  7. These things are shockingly large. They also make a call that sounds a bit like Woody Woodpecker.

    Also very cool and pretty – we have a pair visit our yard frequently.


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